Oral sex and Herpes: Can I give my partner oral sex?
Oral sex is important for some people in their sexaul lives. People who are newly diagnosed may concerne about kissing and oral sex could infect partners. Here is one featured quesiton.
I have HSV1 (since childhood) and HSV2 ( 13 years), have outbreaks 1-2 times a year and take Valtrex every day. I am a widow, but have recently begun dating a guy. I disclosed to him - hard- and he is willing to go forward to a sexual relationship with the Valtrx and condoms.
Oral sex (both ways) is important to me, but he says that he read that he could get oral lesions of HSV2 from going down on me so is hesitant. I don't want every sexual encounter to be a "OMG did I get herpes from her this time" experience so we will see if he can handle it. Oral sex is important to me. What do I tell him?
I haven't received oral sex in a million years. Not good anyway...they are often too scared to do it properly. I hate it i been frustrated for years. It's been more than one occasion with different men so no its not a wrong person thing. Or maybe it is idk...anyone else dealing with this?
We will discuss this risk stats for HSV2 and HSV1 seperately.
Can Genital HSV-2 be transmitted through oral sex?
Can you get hsv2 from receiving or giving oral sex? The exciting and resounding answer to this question is a (slightly qualified) NO! Genital HSV-2 will most likely not be passed to the mouth! It’s 99% impossible (hence the slight qualification). If you use incredibly basic precautionary measures (avoiding oral sex during a herpes outbreak), you’re home free when it comes to receiving / giving oral sex. However, that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. People with compromised immune systems in particular may be at risk.
Unfortunately, there are no studies establishing exact risk stats for HSV2 transmitted from genitals to mouth via oral sex. However, herpes experts seem to believe that it is a lower risk activity than intercourse.
Worry about possible transmission? Find a partner with herpes!

PositiveSingles is 2022 No.1 Herpes dating site and have been on the web for over 20 years. It has 1.7 million online people with herpes.
You can find thousands of nearby singles wiht herpes like you no matter you are looking for a casual relationship or long-term parters. Spend 3 minutes to place a profile and chat now.
HSV1 and oral sex transmission
HSV1, typically results in oral herpes, or cold sores around the mouth. HSV1 can be transmitted through both giving and receiving oral sex.
Studies have shown that passing oral herpes from mouth to genitals is easier than had been assumed. Women are more likely than men to get genital herpes from oral sex because of the simple makeup of a woman’s anatomy (more mucous membranes). The risk of acquiring herpes simplex virus type 1 infection based on sexual activity has linked oral sex and vaginal intercourse with a demonstrably higher rate of infection, particularly in young women. Story resource.
Men have less physical permeability (less genital mucous membranes), so are at less risk of getting herpes from oral sex.
Since 80% of Americans aged 14-49 have oral herpes (fever blisters), extra precaution should be taken (condom for men, dental dam for women). The risk is clearly higher if there is a visible outbreak with sores present. Herpes needs an “in road” to make it from one person’s body to another. But herpes sores don’t always have to be present in order for transmission to occur because of asymptomatic viral shedding.
According The New York Times Health section, “Up to 50 percent of new genital herpes infections are caused by HSV-1. The recurrence rate of genital HSV-1 is low, with on average one outbreak in the first year after acquiring infection and less than one outbreak a year thereafter.”
Can I pass ghsv1 to someone else's mouth through oral sex?
The answer is yes. But think about it: 80% of Americans already have oral HSV-1, so have your partner get a blood test to see if they carry antibodies for HSV-1. If they already have it, then no worries. And if they don’t have it, they are still running the same risk of getting oral HSV-1 by kissing any of the 80% of people out there who have cold sores. It’s the same strain of the virus, but in different locations, so whether someone gets HSV-1 from going down on someone or kissing someone, it’s the same thing.
98-99% of all oral herpes cases are caused by the HSV-1 virus, NOT HSV-2.
98-99% of the cases of oral herpes (cold sores) are caused by HSV-1, not HSV-2. (Download the helpful handouts here for more helpful herpes statistics.) According to Dr. Peter Leone, there should be no reason you should avoid receiving oral sex from your partner just because you have genital HSV-2 (of course, avoid oral sex during herpes outbreaks). Even without using dental dams or condoms during oral sex, you run only a 1-2% risk of your partner getting HSV-2 in their mouth because HSV-2 has an overwhelmingly huge preference for the genitals.
Can you spread HSV2 in your partner's throat?
Some negative partner may enjoy deepthroating. They may wonder if they may get HSV2 in their throats. Yes, It's rare to catch hsv2 orally and even rarer to catch it in your throat, but it is possible. We would recommend you play it safe and use a condom and dental dams for oral sex.
Herpes, Oral Sex and Dental Dams
A dental dam is simply a rectangular piece of latex that is used to cover the genitals so there is no direct mouth-to-genital or mouth-to-anus contact. Those dams were flexible but quite thick, so thinner ones that would allow for greater sensation were created specifically for oral sex and oral-anal contact. It protects against STDs that can be transmitted orally. Infections like gonorrhea, chlamydia, herpes, HPV, hepatitis A and B, and syphilis.
Dental dams are easy to use. Place one over your or your partner’s vulva and/or anus so that it creates a barrier between the mouth and genitals. Don’t worry about stretching the dam or pressing it tight against the skin — just hold it in place. Sometimes a dam will even stay in place on its own because of vaginal moisture or static.
Dams can sometimes be hard to find in stores. If there’s no dam in sight, you can cut open a condom and lay it flat on your partner’s vulva or anus
What does the dental dam feel like?
Here is the experience from other people with herpes.
I used dams in the past, they work great! They are a bit expensive and you often have to buy them online depending where you live. You can make one out of a condom by rolling it out, snipping the tip and cutting up the side to make a squarish looking sheet. However I like saran wrap (use the non-microwavable kind) because you can make the dam as big as you need to, I find cutting condoms are great but they are small. You can put some lube on the vaginal area to enhance the experience.
Can I use plastic wrap as a dental dam during oral sex?
For some people, dental dams are expensive or difficult to find.Some safer-sex aficionados have found ways around that, though.An even easier and cheaper option lies in plastic wrap, which many people use as a barrier while performing cunnilingus (oral contact with the female genitalia) or rimming (oral contact with the anus). It is inexpensive, easy to find, odorless, and tasteless, and can be purchased without even a hint of embarrassment.
The Sheer Glyde Dam, on the other hand, was designed specifically with oral sex in mind, and is the only barrier that is FDA-approved especially for oral sex. Plastic wrap, however, was designed for food storage, and is not FDA-approved to prevent the transmission of pathogens during sexual activity — manufacturers don’t even test it for that purpose.
None of these studies examined the use of plastic wrap in a sexual context. While using plastic wrap is surely much better than using nothing, its effectiveness is a question that is currently only being answered by a large, silent gap in the scientific research.
How make that decision less of a bummer for the negative partners
Just besupportive and understanding is probably the best thing that a partner could do. Being open minded and inquisitive you are already leaps and bounds ahead of most people. Give good information from a clinical perspective to help your patners understand the virus and the risks associated with it.
Worry about possible transmission? Find a partner with herpes!

PositiveSingles is 2022 No.1 Herpes dating site and have been on the web for over 20 years. It has 1.7 million online people with herpes.
You can find thousands of nearby singles wiht herpes like you no matter you are looking for a casual relationship or long-term parters. Spend 3 minutes to place a profile and chat now.